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Mini OBD GPS Tracker

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“It works! I always want a device to track my car in huge parking lot or in new community. This is easy to install and function well. Recommend to take a try if you have the same problem like me.” 

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It works! I always want a device to track my car in huge parking lot or in new community. This is easy to install and function well. Recommend to take a try if you have the same problem like me.

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Seculife® OBD Vehicle Tracking

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The OBD Vehicle GPS tracker is small and easy to install. All you need to do is plug it into the OBD port under the steering column.

You don’t need a battery for installation, as the OBD port powers the device.

The OBD tracking devices provide 24/7 tracking and are ideal for small and medium-sized businesses with less than 20 vehicles to manage. Personal & family first. 

Track Fleet automobiles, personal vehicles, trucks, teen drivers, elderly drivers, and rental car units.

Seculife® OBD Vehicle Tracking Mobile App


Track your vehicle on every turn they make or every 100 yards it moves, and when it’s not moving, it can also be tracked every minute, hour, or any tracking interval you wish to set.


Monitor vehicle speed and driving behavior. Great for new drivers, teen drivers, rental cars, business fleets, or loaner vehicle apps like Turo.


Create geofencing perimeters to track and receive alerts when vehicles enter or leave a specified location.


Get alerts when a vehicle leaves its dedicated location set up by you in our mobile app.

Seculife® GPS Tracking Devices & Plans A Perfect Solution For Car Sharing Rentals

Real-Time Tracking: Watch where your vehicle is in real-time with our easy-to-use mobile app.

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    Forbes HEALTH

    The Best GPS Trackers For Seniors: A 2024 Guide

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    Wandering is a common behavioral expression by older people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately, wandering can be harmful and even life-threatening, putting people with dementia at risk of falls or other injuries, getting lost, dehydration, traffic accidents or drowning. At the very least, the prospect of a loved one wandering can cause a tremendous amount of distress and anxiety for caregivers and family members.

    If you have a loved one who is prone to wandering, a GPS tracker device can help safeguard their well-being by monitoring their location at all times. Read on to learn more about GPS-enabled trackers to see if this type of device might be a worthy investment for yourself or a loved one.

    SecuLife Personal GPS Tracker for Elderly, Dementia, & Alzheimer’s

    • Device cost: No charge for device
    • Subscription cost: “Basic” plan includes 60 minutes a month of talk time and five-minute GPS location intervals—and costs $19 a month with an annual plan or $15.20 a month when prepaying $182.40 for 12 months. “Elite” plan includes unlimited minutes per month of talk time and 30-second GPS location intervals—and costs $39 per month with an annual plan or $31.20 monthly when prepaying $374.40 for 12 months.
    • Available for purchase on Amazon or SecuLife website
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